Sunday, February 18, 2007

Checking in; good news, not so good news

Well, it's been interesting on the writing front. The last time I wrote, I had just gotten into Two Spoons Theatre's Tea Spoons Festival with WEDNESDAYS, the cafe play, and that takes place next month in NYC. Two of my book club (former book club, that is) friends and I are going down from Friday night-Saturday night, and it should be quite fun, though a bit hectic. I also was a finalist with the same play for Kingwood College. I know I should be pleased about that, and I am, but for me, not getting into a festival is not getting into a festival (though I know most writers disagree). I realize I can put this on my resume (I need to revise mine, as I've run out of room on it--it was a left-over acting one) and can feel good about being 16 out of 250 or so, and I do, believe me, but I would really have liked to have had the play produced (not that I could have gone to it, of course, since it's in Texas). Then I got mixed news last night. First, I found out that I was a semi-finalist for Lakeshore Players' festival with THE SATCHEL(in MN in June, so I'm not going out for it),and that's cool, though, again, I didn't get in, and getting in is what makes me truly happen. At the same time, I found out that I didn't get into semi-finalist status at Heartland for their ONE SHOE festival, and that was very disappointing (Debbie didn't, either, and she won last year). I know it's such a crapshoot, but I thought my play was pretty strong, or at least different. But I sent it to the NYCollective (though it's EXTREMELY competitive) and of course I can use it in the future for other festivals.

That's the best thing about festivals for me: I write a play for it, using that theme, and if I don't get in, I still have the play for the future. Now I'm working on both an anniversary play for a local festival and on one set in a school (playground, etc.) for a festival I got into last year. I have the week off to chill and write (literally chill--it's supposed to be below zero with the wind chill tonight and tomorrow, so how I'll get to physical therapy I have no idea), and I can try those AND submit my application to Brycliffe, the writer's institute. Of course, I may not get in, and the unstructured time worries me, but friends at work have been very encouraging, and will help me make up a schedule should I get in (and of course, I may not). In the meantime, I go to yoga, physical therapy (the knee is getting better), try not to eat too much (good luck to that), see movies (don't watch MUTUAL APPRECIATION or LITTLE FISH; neither are very good, IMHO), and stay busy (reading is an option I haven't taken enough advantage of, but can this week). If any more news comes in (PLEASE SAY YES, BOSTON THEATRE MARATHON AND/OR DRAGONFLY FESTIVAL), I will duly report it.


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